Words of awesomness!

Your imagination is your preview of life's coming attractions.

Albert Einstein

Monday, October 22, 2012

So... Let's Catch UP!

I love the smell of humidity and dead leaves early in the morning! That's right everyone, I am back at University. If you can recall from my last post, I was facing a bit a crisis trying to determine what to do with my life. During the summer, I reflected and made a plan for this upcoming year. The plan consisted of staying in school and the same programme, joining a University sports Team, doing well in school, and of course acting.

Throughout the summer, I worked for the first official time (with a company other than the Canadian Government and my dad's company) at Heritage Park. Heritage Park is the largest historical village in Canada. My job was that of being a humble gardener (I had to dress as a man, as it was more appropriate given the strenuous and hands on tasks.) It was a great first job! I loved my boss, crew mates, and everyone in general. This job enabled me to meet many people visiting from many parts of the world and this country, it was AWESOME! I also trained for Rugby, since I wanted to try out for the University of Ottawa Rugby team. Sadly, I couldn't tryout for the team, since they moved tryouts 2 weeks earlier than usual. This did not give me enough time to quit my job, fly all the way to Ottawa, pack and more. However the main decision factor was that I wanted to spend more time with my little brother and parents. As a trip, my mum, little brother, and myself went on a hiking and sightseeing trip in Jasper National Park. I must say it was one of the most memorable, breath taking, and beautiful trips I have been on in a while. I highly recommend to anyone to go and visit this park! Being from Alberta, and meeting visitors from around the world on that trip made me exceptionally proud to be Canadian and Albertan.

As an actress, I have always been a huge movie goer. One of the highlights of my summer was seeing a movie once to twice a week. Some people might now be thinking that I'm some fat, gamer, movie, obsessed person, however I beg to differ. Some may also think it's weird that a girl would go to the movies so often. However, I must say it is not. I love the movies! They give me a chance to lose myself to a different world and forget all my troubles. My favourite film of this summer was by far The Dark Knight Rises! IT WAS SERIOUSLY ONE OF THE GREATEST FILMS OF THE 21st CENTURY THAT I HAVE SEEN!! Later on, I will provide a movie review of the film for it's DVD/BlueRay release. I also had the great privilege of seeing both screenings of the wonderfully talented Danny Boyle's Frankenstein from National Theatre Live! I have got to say that was honestly one of the greatest plays I have ever seen (and I have seen quite a bit.) I will also provide a review for this play later on.

Well it was great getting to catch up on everything! More to come... I PROMISE!
Links for:
Heritage Park: http://www.heritagepark.ca/
The Dark Knight Rises: http://www.thedarkknightrises.com/
National Theatre Live: http://microsites.nationaltheatre.org.uk/ntlivehttp://microsites.nationaltheatre.org.uk/ntlive

Monday, February 27, 2012


So I guess I should probably apologize for not having posted anything in what? AGES! So yah here it goes. I've promised myself that I think the best way for me to let everyone one know (well mainly myself) of what is to become of me I guess I should keep a blog. Well truthfully it's because I know that something and many amazing things are going to occur in my life this year! I can FEEL IT! A better way of describing it would be, you know that feeling you get when you are simply so inspired by something that it gives you the motivation to pave the way and work towards what you know is going to occur? Ok, I realize that this is probably not making any sense... How about I just tell it to you straight. You know how when you are young you have so many aspirations and dreams ? Well so do I and I have always known that I will become a performer. Or better yet a successful and famous actress. I'm not going to lie I like attention and I always have, however I'm not an attention whore. I would prefer that people pay attention to me though my talents such as acting, dancing, script writing, and directing. When I was younger, I always wanted people to know that I was there and not to miss me. However, as I got older that attitude has changed. Im finding now that I much prefer to be left alone. I would say that I am having a bit of an identity crisis.

A crisis in the sense that I don't know if being in University is the right thing for me. I'm not sure if I should have taken a gap year and gone to L.A. to meet with casting directors who were impressed with my acting skills when I was attending John Robert Powers. One of the casting directors (I will not state her name) told me this "You have a great future in acting!" Now you could say that that was said was simply a lie and to get my hopes up, but I beg to differ. When she said that to me I looked her straight in her eyes and she was telling the truth.

I hope that by moving to eastern Canada and by being near Toronto that I this summer I work towards my dream. If I make it then great! If I don't then perhaps I am destine to become a Psychiatrist. One of my friends the other day over skype told me "Ash, you have to choose. You have to make a choice. You can't have either (psychiatrist or actress). You have to choose soon." I told him that he had it wrong. Sure I have to choose, but I can still do both. Look at Mayim Bialik. She is a neurologist and an actress. So that just shows you that anything is possible and I know that with dedication and determination and of course sacrifice that I can attain my dream and make them a reality!

Until next time