Words of awesomness!

Your imagination is your preview of life's coming attractions.

Albert Einstein

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Summer... With nothing to do!!

Isn't it the point of summer that you have plenty of time to do what ever you want to do? Well it seems to be that case except for I have nothing to do but listen to the X-Men First Class Soundtrack and message my friends on my phone, on FB etc. I AM SO BORED! After spending an entire afternoon of cleaning the house, since I had nothing better to do, I just watched random videos on youtube including my all time favourite T.V show Even Stevens. Dude i miss the good old days when Disney used to play that show all the time. But good on Shia Labeouf for making it big in the industry.
Speaking of Mr.Labeouf I would highly recommend that you all go see Transformers 3 while you can. It's an EXCELLENT MOVIE. I by far surpasses the previous one where the plot was completely submerged in Crap before they showed it to the audience. This time the script and the acting is quite decent. The cast and cohesion is terrific! Actually this summer I think... well I hope that all the films are going to be as awesome as their trailers. Such as I am really looking forward to Captain America, Planet of the Apes ( prequel to the franchise), and of course the final chapter of HARRY POTTER!!!
Hoping everyone is having a good and awesome summer as i hope that mine can pick up from its current boredom.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Long Time... No Post!

Hey everyone! I know Its been almost DECADES since I last wrote so I decided that since I have a laptop now ( specifically a MacBook Pro,) I have absolutely no excuse for not posting. So I managed to survive the hard ships and near death experiences of grade 12 specifically FULL IB! YAH! And now its time for me to create havoc this summer in Calgary before I move to Ottawa for University @ the capital. Anyways I plan on weeping a lot this summer ( Harry Potter is officially going to be done...NOOOOOOOOOOOO,) Im auditioning for a lot of independant films and tv shows, plus a few Hollywood films ( lets hope I get the parts), and basically getting drunk as fuck and doing all the things that I love with the people who I think deserve my company. So hoping that everyone has had a great year and good luck this summer. Challenge yourself to become the law's most fearful enemy!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day 3 of Filming

Well I might not have mentioned this, but I am a director. And like most directors, I like to make small Indie films on my soare time. So this week since ther is no school I’ve been working on my newest project. BUT EVERYTHING SEEMS TO BE GOING AWRY! The camera battery decided it wasn’t going to charge properly and I kept falling in the snow. This is one of my first projects where it is being done with minimal crew and I’m begining to regrett it. I’ve also learned that it is extreamly difficult to direct and act at the same time, since you have no idea what the sceen is turning out to be. But you know what I’ll brave through the difficulties and I’m sure everything will turn out to be great!