Words of awesomness!

Your imagination is your preview of life's coming attractions.

Albert Einstein

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

And they Say Gr.12 Is easy!

Remember those good old days when you were only a few years old or in Elementry school or even Junior Huigh? How about Gr.10 or Gr.11. Well I do! I myself distinctly remember my parents and all of my friends ( who are now in university), telling me that " Don't worry! Gr. 12 is really easy!! " Well since I am currently experiencing it all I have to say is: " WHAT A LOAD OF S*#T!!! " ( oops pardon my language, but pray you I did sensor it!). Thats right! Right now in this whole CHAOS of this fianal grade, life is not so smooth sailing as thought! Perhaps this is because of the program I'm In! Yah I think I'll blame it on that!

I'm a full International Bacclaureat Student! AKA Full IB! So far this year it has been a pain in the butt! So much work. But next year I'll be able to skip my first year Bio, English, and Social Studies since I'm completing some university classes in high school!

Well wish me luck and good luck to all of those in their final year High School! I know its stressfull and that is what the holidays are for! Relaxation and fun! I guess it is up to me and everyone else in my shoes to think of our paths that lie ahead and what is yet to come! All of this work will pay off!

Live long and prosperous
                                                - SPOCK
Below is a link to one of my favourite songs by the Beast and composer of EPICNESS HANZ ZIMMER! Its called: Time from the EPIC and MIND GRIPPING FILM: INCEPTION!!!

 Inception- Time

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