Words of awesomness!

Your imagination is your preview of life's coming attractions.

Albert Einstein

Friday, December 31, 2010

Tis Indeed A Wonderful Life!!!

Happy Christmas and Happy New year to everyone!!! Break out the champagne and holiday cheer!
Sorry I couldn't blog on the actual day of Christmas but this is better than nothing!  i don't know about you, but when I think of the holidays, I think of a warm fire with hot cocoa, a giant classically but festiviely decorated Christmas Tree! Everyone needs a period of rest and I most certainly did!!! With this term paper, that IA lab, this project and that. Then all of the sudden... Peace!

Well peace to all man kind and |I wish you all an amazing holiday and a Happy New year with good health and prosperity. Remember drive safely and the best of luck to a fresh new year!!!


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

And they Say Gr.12 Is easy!

Remember those good old days when you were only a few years old or in Elementry school or even Junior Huigh? How about Gr.10 or Gr.11. Well I do! I myself distinctly remember my parents and all of my friends ( who are now in university), telling me that " Don't worry! Gr. 12 is really easy!! " Well since I am currently experiencing it all I have to say is: " WHAT A LOAD OF S*#T!!! " ( oops pardon my language, but pray you I did sensor it!). Thats right! Right now in this whole CHAOS of this fianal grade, life is not so smooth sailing as thought! Perhaps this is because of the program I'm In! Yah I think I'll blame it on that!

I'm a full International Bacclaureat Student! AKA Full IB! So far this year it has been a pain in the butt! So much work. But next year I'll be able to skip my first year Bio, English, and Social Studies since I'm completing some university classes in high school!

Well wish me luck and good luck to all of those in their final year High School! I know its stressfull and that is what the holidays are for! Relaxation and fun! I guess it is up to me and everyone else in my shoes to think of our paths that lie ahead and what is yet to come! All of this work will pay off!

Live long and prosperous
                                                - SPOCK
Below is a link to one of my favourite songs by the Beast and composer of EPICNESS HANZ ZIMMER! Its called: Time from the EPIC and MIND GRIPPING FILM: INCEPTION!!!

 Inception- Time

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Those who you once knew...

Hi everyone!

Have you ever had those days where you're thinking about someone, the all of the sudden they appear?? Well I do. Its always great to see these people again then catch up with them. I am always amazed on how much people can change in a short period of time. Do you remember those days in elemetary and junior high where you would be talking about the concequences of smoking. I remeber the class being divided. What I mean is that, there are the kids who are indifferent to it, those who want to try it, and those who say" I will NEVER do that!" This is where the saying " Never say Never," comes in. As I've noted, every single one of those kids who said never have ended up as smokers or worst of all chain smokers. Anyways, today I saw a good friend to whom I havent spoken to in a while. Thats when I realised he is a chronic smoker. I was deeply saddened by this news! I loved this guy! He and I were like blood brothers when we were younger and to see the state he is in now its just sad. I remember joking around with him and hed always say "Ash you are so white, just like me." ( since I am incapable of being the awesome black person that everyone stereotypes.) I hope that down the road people like my friend will realise their addictions ( it doesnt have to be smoking. Alcohol, and drugs are included!) And find the courage and support to defeat their perils.

Now I think I've been inspired to write a monologue on this topic. I'll let you all know when its done!!
If you do know someone who is sufferig from any type of addiction, dont just ignore it. Be there to help them realise the problem and aide in their journey to recovery. Be the stone for their step!

Live long and Prosperous,


Hello to All!!!

Hello everyone!!! My name is Ash and I am an aspiring actress in Calgary and area!
I've personally have never been a fan of Blog ( pshhh thnx to my social teacher!) Anyways, I've always percieved blogs as journals which people just rant for no apparent reason. But I guess that now my view has changed. This blog is primarily so that I can show everyone my passion and love for acting and for the arts (dance, singing, and filming and theatre,) since I plan on becoming a sucessful actress with hopefully a medical degree. ( Who knew that applying to university was so expensive??!!!) Anyways I hope that as I add more entries to this blog that I will manage to fulfil my dream and destiny and also aid in the discovery of every reader's dreams and aspirations.

Remember! Always dream big and your aspirations will be accomplished!
